You thought they were extinct, didn’t you? Admit it. No, NKOTB is an alive and thriving entity fueled by mainly middle-aged women reliving their youth. That’s not such a bad thing. In fact, it was an affirmation of what makes music so fantastic, it marks periods and memories of our lives indelibly and once in a while, we get to relive those moments, even if it’s for just one night.
Donnie Wahlberg, Danny Wood, Joey McIntyre and brothers Jordan and Jonathan Knight kicked off the sold-out evening at PPG Paints Arena and were able to time travel the entire audience back 30 years to their heyday. But this “updated” version was not bashful to play to their adult crowd with plenty of gyrating and crotch grabs to make the boy band up the ante on their performance.
Highlights would definitely be their hits, “Please Don’t Go Girl,” “Hangin’ Tough,” “I’ll Be Loving You (Forever),” “This One’s for the Children,” “Cover Girl,” “Block Party,” and “Tonight”. The biggest highlight of the night had to be when the boys brought up the “Budman” as he is affectionately known by his family, a very special man from Pittsburgh…
Jordan and Donnie both tweeted about how awesome it was…

To add to the concert was the ‘variety show’ type revolution of 80’s acts like Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Salt N’ Pepa, and Naughty by Nature that rounded out the 38 song show.