05/16: Pittsburgh, PA @ The Smiling Moose (TICKETS // EVENT LINK)

Groundbreaking 8-string guitar shredder, Sarah Longfield, got her start on YouTube, which currently has 215K subscribers. She just released her own signature 8-string guitar through Strandberg, which was debuted at the 2019 NAMM Show and was recently named one of the Top 25 YouTube Guitarists (#13) by Ultimate Guitar. Hailed as “one of the best 7 and 8 string guitarists in the world” by Guitar World, she is also featured as one of the 50 Sensational Female Guitarists via Guitar Player.

Check out her new album ‘Disparity,’ which was released in 2018 via Season of Mist streaming below:

Watch her mind-bending, intricate play-thru for her song “Cataclysm”:

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