
Die Choking – Philadelphia, PA

  • Grindcore punks

Mister Lizard – London, England

  • Grindcore

Bathe – Columbia, SC

  • Noise grind doom

Brown Angel –Pittsburgh, PA

  • Noisey, doomed-out industrial

Slaves BC – Pittsburgh, PA

  • Doomed Hardcore

This show was particularly rad. It was the last day of Skullfest – and damn, was it a great way to end the fest. The night started with a bang as Adam from Slaves BC played his last show with them. They slayed as usual, and Adam did a killer job during his last show. Brown Angel was nasty and doomy as hell. I had never seen them before and it was a real treat. Bathe was absolutely amazing, and probably my pick of the night. From the fog to the skull on the singer’s podium, it was flawless. I was lucky enough to ask the band how their first show at Skullfest was and they said “Awesome. We loved everything about the show. Pittsburgh is a beautiful city that we have never been to and we were welcomed warmly. Skull Fest, Winterforge Booking and Chris were awesome. The room was packed and all the bands absolutely slayed (Brown Angel is one of the best bands we played with on this tour). Mister Lizard brought the rowdiness, per usual, and Die Choking brought it home perfectly. One of the best shows of tour, easily.”

I would just so happen to agree with them. Both Mister Lizard and Die Choking ended the night with absolute chaos and brutality. Special thanks to Chris from WinterForge for putting this show together. Until next year Skull Fest…


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