” Your Hot Knife”

” Seven”

In the past week Psapp has unveiled two acoustic videos for “Seven” and “Your Hot Knife” live in session. Both songs will be available on the band’s forthcoming album,  What Makes Us Glow, due for release on November 11th through The state51 Conspiracy. This is the first time the public has the opportunity to hear each song in advance of the records’ debut.

Speaking about the session, one half of Psapp, Carim, introduces the video “Seven” with: “This is a love song to inspiration, to that brilliant moment where you spark into action and a song just falls out of you.” 

Galia, Psapp’s leading lady, went on to say “Something we have had to accept over the years is that writing music with someone else is a complex process – we are occasionally one person when we are working but in other ways we are so profoundly different. The conclusion after writing this record is that we will always make music together, we can’t help it.”

Comprised of feline wielding troubadours Carim Clasmann and Galia Durant, Psapp met 12 years ago in a basement filled with plastic fish, compressors and elderly cushions and have been making music ever since. What Makes Us Glow, is a vast hyper-color psychedelic whirl of an album, with intricate orchestration, layered vocals and a pioneering spirit. These songs thrum and buzz, they glow. In preparation for the release, the duo invite fans to tweet them (@its_psapp) using the hashtag ‘#thingsthatmakeyouglow‘ and state, what things make YOU glow. We’re eagerly waiting your answers.

Scored with home built instruments, What Makes Us Glow is bursting with swampy drones of recorded ambience and plenty of raw sounds – Psapp relish in combining unusual musical elements (this record includes Galia’s rhythmic snores, boxes of writhing mealworms, their homemade boneaphone – a marimba made from bones – and the groans of milk-laden cows) alongside the more standard instruments: piano, violin, oud and organs.

The album is now available for preorder via iTunes here.

1. Life Hums 
2. Wet Salt 
3. The Cruel, The Kind, The Bad 
4. Seven 
5. That’s The Spirit 
6. In The Black
7. Everything Belongs To The Sun 
8. Bone Marrow 
9. Your Hot Knife 
10. The Well and The Wall 
11. What Makes Us Glow 
12. In and Out

Preorder ‘What Makes Us Glow’
Everything Belongs To The Sun‘ on Soundcloud
Everything Belongs To The Sun‘ on Youtube
Official Site


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