Cincinnati, OH’s Let It Happen will be going on tour with Philadelphia, PA based First Things First this November. See dates below.


Mixing a high-energy performance style with lyrics that are at the same time raw and accessible, Let It Happenhas matured into a one of a kind pop/rock band, developing a loyal and steadily growing fan base along the way. Drawing from musical influences such as Third Eye Blind, Jimmy Eat World, and Relient K, Let It Happen has crafted an arsenal of songs so personal and distinctive, you can’t help but hit repeat!


NOV. 3RD – Philadelphia, PA @ The Barbary

NOV. 4TH – Providence, RI @ McNeils

NOV. 6TH – Albany, NY @ Pauly’s

NOV. 7TH – Buffalo, NY @ The Forvm

NOV. 8TH – Pittsburgh, PA @ Mr. Roboto

NOV. 9TH – Kent, OH @ Euro Gyro

NOV. 10TH – Darien, IL @ Q Sports Bar & Grill

NOV. 12TH – Iowa City, IA @ Gabe’s

NOV. 14TH – Muncie, IN @ Be Here Now

NOV. 15TH – Cincinnati, OH @ Bocca Billiards


Let It Happen’s Invogue Records debut ‘Unravel” is out now and available on iTunes:




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