The album INVASION is a long awaited release of music E.T.has comprised over the years. The album INVASION is just what the title says. We invade your ears with sound taking over your brain waves with good music and innovative word play. We bring back that style of when a song was over you may hear a bonus unheard beat. As well is skits and antidotes to add more flavor to the album. If you follow the album from Top to Bottom you really get a vivid story of a journey where at the end we sail away but notion that we will return. There are beat makers from the US and world wide with limited features by Soulstice of Wade Waters and Rod Da Blizz of Labor Dept.
About E.T.
They come from a far to expand your ears. And who are they? E.T. is E.Q. and Tislam. Do to time and time again performing together and having like interest in music the two became the group E.T. The name is more than just the first letters of their names. They feel like aliens in the scene of HipHop. They stand out with their unique style of expression lyrically but their talent expands beyond just their lyrics.
Due to the fact that so many artists follow a set structure of style they fell like they’re from another planet in the scene of HipHop. E.T. is boundless in their topics and vocabulary while still keeping the original BOOM BAP sound they love. They are unlike most others who claim to be of the same art and fashion.
E.T. brings a consistent sound tailored to the greats that they grew up on. You get innovative expression of experiences that they have witness in their travels together and on their own. And they also provide thought provoking images of real life ideas of their own. E.T. says “Its like no matter how much we go threw when we finally get settled and write we blink and the song is done. And it’s never just some thrown together garbage. We create quality music that needs to be heard.”
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