On November 12, 2013, Stoked Records will release the highly anticipated new album The New Los Angeles II, by the Los Angeles heavy-hitting, hard rock duo It’s Casual; a band formed in 2001 by singer/guitarist Eddie Solis and drummer Dob Le Ve. The New Los Angeles II will be available on both CD and digital formats, packing a powerful, loud and heavy 11-song punch with hard driving beats, brutal vocals and a sonic assault equivalent to a heavy, high-energy battering ram.


The New Los Angeles II is the band’s follow up to their critically acclaimed 2007 release The New Los Angles I, which will also see its official release through Stoked Records on November 12thThe New Los Angles I‘s strong “greencore” message not only earned the band both local and national attention in traditional outlets such as NPR-affiliate KPCC, Thrasher Magazine, Los Angeles Times, LA Weekly, OC Weekly, The Huffington Post, Treehugger and Noisecreep, but on sites such as Natural Resources Defense Council and L.A.’s own Metropolitan Transit Authority blog as well.


While The New Los Angeles I covered transportation hassles and the general woes of urban living specific to the city of Angels (with plenty of devils, too), with The New Los Angeles II,It’s Casual broadens its message and urgency to “go green,” delving even deeper into these myriad topics.


Produced by Paul Miner (Death By Stereo), The New Los Angeles II ignites straight into the aurally assaulting riff of “The Gold Line,” which triumphs the installation of commuter rail lines heading east through the remainder of Los Angeles County.


Pleas for cooler heads to prevail via arts programs in public schools are heard through “Less Violence, More Violins,” which extends into the adjacent track, “Keep The Children Occupied,” advocating funding afterschool programs for youngsters. “Sharing is Not Caring” and “Their Own Cash” address the lack of resources in public schools, with students often forced to share scarce learning materials while teachers fork out their personal funds to maintain essential supplies in the classroom.


Other tracks “Live Food,” which highlights the degradation of childhood nutrition and limited access to healthy options once these kids come home from their impoverished school environments, and The New Los Angeles II’s closer “Kids Having Kids,” yet another reminder of the vicious cycle that teenage pregnancy typically fails to shatter.


As it turns out, Solis’ forceful, imminent refrains of freeways not being so nice were only the beginning. With The New Los Angeles II, he introduces the listener to an entire world that’s not exactly as wonderful as the one Louis Armstrong once crooned about. But then again, that’s just how life is when you’re living in the new Los Angeles.


1) The Goldline

2) Less Violence, More Violins

3) Keep The Children Occupied

4) California Is Not An ATM Machine

5) WIC

6) Sharing Is Not Caring

7) Their Own Cash

8) Tap Card

9) Live Food

10) The Gap Is Widening

11) Kids Having Kids




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