A message from Wendy Dio regarding she and Ronnie James Dio’s favorite charity, The Brittany Foundation:
Dear Friends,
As you all know, Ronnie and I have always been animal lovers and our favorite charity is The Brittany Foundation, as 100% of the monies raised goes to feed and house the dogs. Some of you may remember that three years ago, I spent a Day in Their Paws in a cage with two adorable dogs, trying to raise money and get them adopted. This was one of the last public appearances Ronnie made before his untimely passing.
This year I am going in the cage again with Timka and Tramp to raise money for The Brittany Foundation. I stay in the cage for 24 hours or until I have raised the money for freedom. It costs a dollar a minute for my freedom. I am asking for your help.
Please go to http://www.brittanyfoundationonline.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=48&Itemid=67
and scroll down to my picture with Timka and Tramp, and click the button to donate. We would love to see any of you that would like to join us.
I would like to say a big “thank you” to you all, and as Ronnie would say, “You Rock!”
– Wendy Dio