Remember how alternative (whatever the hell that means) music used to rock? Not the crap that is “radio-friendly”, but the stuff that used to really kick ass. Like all the nineties powerhouses, especially the grunge guys when they were still trying to make it, and the “indie” bands that rocked and didn’t really know they were indie bands yet? Well let me tell you folks, Swedish rockers The Quill certainly remember.

This should come as no surprise from a band that has been around since the nineties and released six albums in the meantime: “The Quill” (1995), “Silver Haze” (1999), ”Voodoo caravan” (2001), ”Hooray! It’s a deathtrip” (2003), ”In triumph” (2006) and “Full Circle” (2011). The core of The Quill consists of the two mainstays, guitarist Christian Carlsson and drummer Jolle Atlagic (ex. Hanoi Rocks, The Real McCoy Band). The two musical motors, whom together formed the band in the early nineties, have always worked with one single goal – a determination to show audiences all over the world the sheer quality of The Quill. This latest offering which is meant to deliver more of their sheer quality, certainly doesn’t disappoint.

In 2010 they teamed up with new singer Magnus Arnar (ex. Ground Mower, Soul 78) to fill the vacant vocalist spot. Vocally, Arnar delivers on the most recent offering from The Quill. Arnar’s vocal style lends itself well to the hard driving groove metal sound that the band has cultivated. Not too far removed from the vocal qualities present on “In Triumph” or “Full Circle”, Arnar delivers on “Tiger’s Blood” staying true to the overall sound of the band. In mid 2012, the lost son Roger Nilsson (ex. Spiritual Beggars, Firebird) returned to handle the bass guitar after having spent 7 years exploring other musical journeys.

“Tiger’s Blood” is a solid rocking entry into the musical catalog of these Swedish veterans, and it shows their relentless dedication to their vision and sound. The majority of the release is driving and energetic, with the exception of two slower tempo tracks in the middle that help to add depth and variety to the overall album. The album was released through Metalville in June, 2013 and the band is ecstatic over the times to come. The songs have a wider range, live shows will be more explosive and touring will be more intense.

The Full Circle-campaign of 2011-12 saw The Quill yet again touring extensively all over Europe and also, for the first time, in the US. Having toured and shared bill with a variety of bands, such as Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Monster Magnet, there’s no stage The Quill fear to tread. Known for their high-energy, take no prisoners attitude they always deliver a live-show leaving audiences grasping for air.

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