From mid September- mid December, Underoath is traveling the U.S. in celebration of 20 years of album “They’re Only Chasing Safety,” with support from Static Dress. They recently came through to Baltimore, and I was really excited about this show; not just because of getting to see them live again and photographing for the outlet, but because it wold become 1 of the most special shows I’d ever been a part of.

Unfortunately I arrived late and after the 1st 3 songs for Static Dress, so I was only able to listen and watch from the crowd. While I don’t listen to them much, I was finding myself nodding my head, and noticing the crowd was singing along and really enjoying their set. There were hands in the air, some crowd surfers and moshing going on, and overall it was an enjoyable set for me.

The night before, I was on my way to another show when a friend I shoot for contacted me about the show to ask if I was going with him and his fiancé. I said I was, that I was approved for photos, and he sent me someones phone number who wanted to talk to me about shooting some video for him during Underoath’s set. I learned this person, named Bobby Faithful is in a couple of local bands in the DC/VA area, and has had some really serious medical issues the last few years. He has gone through 1 heart transplants and had just woken up from a coma not long before we’d talked; maybe a few weeks. He is in need of another transplant, and reached out to the band to ask if he could sing with them on stage in the event this next procedure doesn’t work. I was tasked with recording video during the 5th song “Reinventing Your Exit,” and I was honored to do this for him.

We arrived to Ram’s Head, only to find out we were given all access passes, and were allowed backstage to hangout with Bobby and his 2 friends. Spencer had come to talk to Bobby to figure out what he was going to say for Bobby’s introduction regarding his medical history, and that this was 1 of his wishes to sing with the band. I also learned that since I had all access, I was allowed on the side stage to shoot some photos as well which I was not expecting but very thankful for towards their Tour Manager.

It had been a while since I had seen them live, but it took me right back as soon as they came on. While we were waiting in the pit, I was looking at their stage setup, feeling like I was in a family’s 60/70’s basement with a caramel colored leather couch, some small race cars sitting in front of Aaron’s drum set, and lots of lamps; both tall and short all around the stage, 1 on a side table next to the couch and 1 also in front of Aarons drums. Slowly the lights began to dim, and the lamps were coming on; it was dark with nothing but the lamp lights showing the stage. Aaron and Chris (keyboard/electronics) walk out, and Aaron sits on the couch closer to the side table and begins with “Some Will Seek Forgiveness, Others Escape.” Immediately the crowd joins in after the cheering stops. After that, the rest of the set lights turn on, the guys come out and start with “Young and Aspiring,” followed by “A Boy Brushed Red Living In Black and White.” I left the pit midway after the 2nd song so I could make my way into the front of house sound area to film Reinventing Your Exit. It was sold out, so I wanted to make sure I had time to get through the tight crowd.

It was time for Bobby to come out, and as Spencer was talking about his medical history and that this was his wish to sing with the guys, the crowd was cheering and in support of the guys allowing this to happen. Bobby walks on, gives Spencer a hug and a handshake, and an incredible night continued. It was hard to not tear up as I was filming watching Bobby in all smiles as he was sitting on the couch with Spencer, singing and screaming. That was probably 1 of the loudest songs I’d heard in Ram’s Head, and that venue can get pretty loud. So many phones were out recording the moment as well, and it was just something amazing to be involved in.

The guys were nonstop the entire night, and their encore was a fan voted set consisting of 5 songs; “Teeth,” “In Regards To Myself,” “You’re Ever So Inviting,” “When the Sun Sleeps,” “A Moment Suspended In Time,” and “Writing on the Walls.” Spencer had also informed the crowd that that night was the 1st time they’d ever performed “When the Sun Sleeps” in Baltimore in 20 years, and of course the crowd went wild for that. He also thanked the crowd for continuing to listen to and love their music, for believing in them when they were starting out and throughout their career as Underoath, because at some points they weren’t sure what would happen or if things would work out how they’d hoped, and how elated they are to be able to still do what they are.

Their set was nothing short of incredible from hearing their entire album, to the fan voted set, to the production, and Bobby getting to sing with Spencer. While it was more of dark and moody lighting at times in the beginning, it then changed form the 5th song on and became a party with a rainbow of color. At the end of the encore, Spencer hopped off stage into the crowd, standing on the railing of the pit barrier while screaming and grabbing a fans hand for balance. He hopped back on stage, the band kept playing as Spencer once again thanked the crowd for coming out for them, and to get home safely. That show will forever be in my top 5 as best experiences, and favorite live show.

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