
Replacing so iconic a front-man as CHUCK MOSLEY (FAITH NO MOREBAD BRAINS) is never easy, but Alternative Rock Band PRIMITIVE RACE has revealed just such. MARK HENNESSY, vocalist for Lawrence, Kansas based, alternative rock band PAW, has been announced as the new voice joining founder CHRIS KNIKERERIE LOCH (WICCIDESTHER BLACK), MARK THWAITE (PETER MURPHY), and DALE CROVER (MELVINS) as the group continues to evolve.


“I always said you just don’t replace Chuck Mosley. So, to continue Primitive Race I knew we would need to push into new territory. I was always a big fan of Paw and I think that Mark (Hennessy) brings a whole new tool belt to what we’re doing. It’s exciting to have this new chapter.” – CHRIS KNIKER

“I was a big fan of Chuck so to be carrying the torch in Primitive Race is something special. I’m going to just be myself and work on adding a new element to the band. I really like what the guys are doing, and It’s been fun to get started writing for this record.” – MARK HENNESSY

“He (Mark Hennessy) has a cool vibe. It will be great to have him in the mix this time.” – MARK THWAITE

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