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Last month, White Reaper released their widely anticipated new album You Deserve Love

Nurturing arena-sized ambitions in their DIY hearts, Louisville’s White Reaper remind us that “fun as hell” is a primary purpose of music.  Equal parts glam and grit, You Deserve Love finds the band packing classic rock with grinning twin guitar leads into masterly crafted pop songs. The album will follow 2017’s critically acclaimed The World’s Best American Band, which landed on Noisey’s “100 Best Albums of 2017” and Pitchfork’s “20 Best Rock Albums of 2017,” earning an 8.0 album score.

Praise for “Might Be Right”:

This new single from Kentucky boys White Reaper is the perfect companion for all your nice weather fun” – GQ

“It’s still loud, it’s still a little snotty, and it’s still White Reaper” – Consequence of Sound

“’Might Be Right’ falls directly in line with the ambitious, arena-bound power pop with more than a hint of glam of their previous efforts, doing plenty to further the cause Cheap Trick wanted us to want forty years ago” – FLOOD Magazine

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