Guest Post from Bored In Pittsburgh
Today’s listen is a new release coming to us from “mountains and maws in Colorado and Washington.” Bull Of Apis Bull Of Bronze is a black metal band from out West, and they’ve harnessed a truly powerful force with the song “What Awaits Us (A Void Is But An Open Mouth).” A nearly eleven minute epic, the song features everything from brooding, atmospheric guitar interludes to pummeling blast beats and anguished, howled vocals, and ends with an outro that sounds like an earthquake happening in outer space. It’s an intense listen, but it doesn’t drag, despite its hefty run time.
The song is elevated by some poetic and evocative lyrics from vocalist and synthesizer-ist Achaierei; they touch on themes of destruction and rebirth, as well as transcendence from false beliefs and traditional patterns of thinking. Also I didn’t know that “At the end of all things is a mouth made of light/Teeth dripping like stars/Sharp as the edges of our perception,” but I’m looking forward to seeing that some day, because it sounds pretty wild. In all seriousness, I respect the members of Bull Of Apis Bull Of Bronze for being open about their anti-oppresion message (and packaging it along with such gripping music), and look forward to hearing more from them.
Check out Bull Of Apis Bull Of Bronze on Bandcamp: https://bullofapisbullofbronze.bandcamp.com/releases
and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BullOfApisCO/
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