45491608_2385611441454121_4046044099764027392_oBeloved power pop trio, The Courtneys released their sophomore album The Courtneys II on Flying Nun Records last year.  As their number one influence for years, the legendary label signed the trio as their first non-New Zealand act. The Courtneys drift back to the sound of the early ’90s, drawing from strong influences including Teenage Fanclub, Pavement, Eddy Current Suppression Ring, and The Clean. Guitarist Courtney Loove, bassist Sydney Koke and drummer/lead singer Jen Twynn Payne come together through a passionate collaborative songwriting process to deliver a special blend of fuzzy “artisanal grunge”.


Watch new video “Minnesota” – Best New Track on Pitchfork

Watch “Silver Velvet” – “nails simultaneously glum and bubblegum hooks with grinning purpose…the kind of pop song that belongs in a karaoke bar” – NPR

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