Walk The Moon. You may be reading this and thinking, “oh that’s the band that sings ‘Shut Up And Dance‘, right?” Well, yes, but they are so much more than that. Continue reading to hear all about how they brought the house down at Stage AE on Tuesday night and provided some temporary relief from the cold rainy weather.
On tour with them, Walk The Moon brought along Company of Thieves as their opener. Originally, they’re from Chicago, IL and have since relocated to Los Angeles. Personally, they remind me of a much poppier and mild Tonight Alive… mostly because every member in the band is male aside from the lead singer. Genevieve is the lead singer and she is amazing. She works the stage and has a very powerful voice and can take the attention of everyone in the room. I loved them. Their sound was fitting to the headliner’s genre as well and I felt they meshed well. I hate going to shows and the openers’ genre(s) don’t match or mesh well with who the headliner is. Company of Thieves was the perfect opener and their set was fantastic. Their performance was fun and upbeat and kept the audience’s attention throughout. Their Facebook is linked above and you can follow them on just about every form of social media (and I suggest you check out their music on Spotify as well if Indie/Pop is your thing).
Walk The Moon opened up their set with “Press Restart” from their newest album, ‘What If Nothing’. According to their Facebook page, they are considered Indie/Visual/Lyrical, which is very fitting after having seen them live. Their light show is amazing and rivals The 1975. May not beat it, but it’s up there. They play around with tons of different colors (no pun intended… you’ll understand in a few seconds) and have produced an all around fun production to go along with their crazy talent.
Later in the set, they slowed it down a bit for “Aquaman” and “Surrender” to which the crowd sang every word. “Different Colors” was soon after (see I told you). Before this, lead singer, Nicholas Petricca gave a little speech about equality and our society. Their light show included every different color on the spectrum, with a visual in the background with rainbow colors, the universal representation of equality.
If I could say anything that’s very consistent within their show, it would be to bring ear plugs because it’s very loud and also, don’t be afraid to dance. Have some fun because they make it hard not to. “Shut Up And Dance” really got the crowd moving. Everyone was singing along, dancing, and fist pumping. A few songs later, they got the crowd moving again with “One Foot”, and as I said before, if you’re at a Walk The Moon show, don’t be afraid to dance. Even if you suck at it. They make it so hard to just sit and watch. So, do yourself a favor and give in and dance your socks off.
They continued with “Next In Line” and “Headphones” before leaving the stage and awaiting the screaming crowd, aka their cue to come back and do the encore. Once the crowd was loud enough, they came back and made a point to note that this was the loudest crowd of the tour so far. That of course got the crowd to be even louder. The encore consisted of two hits from the 2014 release, ‘Talking Is Hard‘, “Up 2 U” and finally, “Anna Sun“.
I can honestly say this was one of the most fun shows I’ve been to in a while. Their show is definitely worth the ticket purchase. They have this way of temporarily relieving you of your anxieties for an hour and a half. Some of my favorite photos of the night are showcased below! You can also go check out their latest album, “What If Nothing” on Spotify here!
Story and photos: Abigail McNatt  © 2018

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