Photo Credit: Scott Kinkade

Death metal overlords DYING FETUS announce their first wave of 2018 headline concerts. The brief Northeast US tour starts January 11, features three New York shows (Syracuse, Brooklyn, Waterford) and ends January 14 in Reading, PA. A full list of confirmed tour dates is available below.

DYING FETUS’ recent full-length Wrong One To Fuck With is available worldwide on CD/2xLP/Digital via Relapse Records. Physical packages are available via HERE and digital downloads/streaming AT THIS LOCATION. Wrong One To Fuck With is receiving high end of the year praise charting on notable album of the year lists such as Loudwire (Album: #4; Song: #8) and Exclaim (#9).

A full collection of DYING FETUS music video and live performances is available via YouTube HERE.

DYING FETUS once again raise the bar of sonic extremity with their 8th studio album and first new material in over 5 years, Wrong One To Fuck With. The seasoned veterans manage to further stretch their creative and technical boundaries across 10 complex tracks of pulverizing death metal, filled with more dynamic intricacies, brutal breakdowns and varied vocal patterns than ever before. Now over 25 years into their distinguished career, DYING FETUS cement their legacy with Wrong One To Fuck With and uphold their position as the most dominant force in death metal today.

“ ‘Wrong One to Fuck With’ is business as usual for Dying Fetus: vertigo-inducing tech deedillydoo that makes it sound like John Gallagher’s fretboard is a minefield with lumbering, neolithic riffs sure to ignite your inner single-celled organisms’ innate desire to destroy.” – MetalSucks

“This album is devastating. The instrumentation alone is so sharp, it feels like it can cut you. DYING FETUS have not only put out one of the best records of the year, but easily the heaviest record of the year.” – AP MAGAZINE

“You would have to be out of your mind to pick a fight with those responsible for such merciless sonic violence.” –Outburn (10/10)


Jan 11 Syracuse, NY Lost Horizon
Jan 12 Brooklyn, NY Saint Vitus Bar
Jan 13 Waterford, NY Chrome
Jan 14 Reading, PA Reverb


Self-reliance and musical integrity are the two principles to which DYING FETUShave always lived by. Formed in 1991, during the height of the death metal explosion, DYING FETUS have matured into one of the premiere extreme death metal/grindcore acts to emerge from the massive global metal underground. The band is recognized worldwide as a prime example of songwriting perfection across seven studio albums (Purification Through Violence (1996), Killing On Adrenaline (1998), Destroy The Opposition (2001), Stop At Nothing (2003), War Of Attrition (2007), Descend Into Depravity (2009), Reign Supreme (2012)), combining an innovative mix of technical virtuosity and catchy song structures to create the ultimate blend of death metal, hardcore and grind.

Now in 2017, DYING FETUS once again raise the bar of sonic extremity with their 8th studio album and first new material in over 5 years, Wrong One To Fuck With. The seasoned veterans manage to further stretch their creative and technical boundaries across 10 complex tracks of pulverizing death metal, filled with more dynamic intricacies, brutal breakdowns and varied vocal patterns than ever before. Now over 25 years into their distinguished career, DYING FETUS cement their legacy with Wrong One To Fuck With and uphold their position as the most dominant force in death metal today.

View the full bio at DYING FETUS‘s artist page at this location.

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