Twelve Foot Ninja’s write us with this:

Well after about a year in the making, lots of hard work from a lot of LEGENDS and a world record amount of money crowd funded for a music video ($52,600) we’re finally ready to reveal our brand new video to you all.

We only have four things to say about what we’re about to show you:

1) Thank you to those who contributed towards this – without you (we know who you all are) this literally would not have happened. Even if your contribution was small, celebrate this fact.  Crowd funding like this enabled us to do something extra-ordinary and otherwise not possible. Well done.

2) We won’t tolerate any abuse/trolling directed toward Liam (actor who played the Troll). He is just playing a role. We really do encourage kindness towards each other (over cannibalism).

3) Thank you to all of the cast, crew and volunteers that made this happen. Some people really went out of their way for this video. It is important for you to know your efforts did not go unnoticed and we are very grateful.

4) Fuck trolling.

– Stevic, Kin, Damon, Russ & Ro

Ps. keep an eye out for a tour announcement pretty soon 🙂

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