Emmitt James (born 2/5/93) is a midwest indie-hip hop artist and spoken word-poet. James at heart is a poet, which shows vividly in his music. He has been compared to other Midwest greats: Common, Kanye West, and Lupe Fiasco but has influences from nearly all genres of music.

Although the term “Black Hippy” has been coined by names like Kendrick Lamar, School Boy Q etc, Emmitt James brings his own flare to the self expression. With a knack for soulful samples, James cooks up another sample based record, “Hipster Meets Hip Hop vs Vintage” — except this time he teams up with another Lost Boys Collective member, Nic Gauer who adds decoratively to the groove with some additional [electric] guitar. #HMHHVV is definitely a soaring victory for both James and the collective.

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