From a filthy hole in the sprawling wilderness surrounding Oslo, this week the deviants in HAUST drop another heap of their mangled, blackened punk rock, further evidence of the filth their third LP NO beholds.



Singer and lyricist Vebjørn reveals the following about the track: “Swells deals with issues of claustrophobia and social paranoia – the everyday horror. You’re longing to burn up while you’re swimming in swells of shit” With a more plodding, seemingly drugged-out approach than the album’s quicker-paced numbers, “Swells” flows with the mesmerizingly distraught riffage and deranged cackling vocals this band so aptly delivers.


“I’m all wet and I can’t get up
I’m sleeping in the swells and I can’t get out
I can’t ignite
Drag me out, set me on fire
It’s a nightmare, it’s a black scare
Drag me out, set me on fire”

– “Swells”


Surf the turds of life with “Swells” RIGHT HERE.


HAUST also previously released the album’s namesake anthem “NO” featuring guitarist Pål Bredrup (also of Okkultokrati) and directed by vocalist Vebjørn HERE.


Part of the locally infamous Black Hole Crew additionally including fellow underworld acts Okkultokrati, Dark Times, Blackest Woods and others, HAUSThas tormented all in earshot with multiple EP’s, two previous LPs, splits with Okkultokrati and Next Life and more since their formation early in the twenty-first century. Their most raw and primitive release to date, in the nine short tracks of NO the listener is pulled back into a time where rock and punk were synonymous with rawness and vulnerability; a worship of total humiliation, of the pleasure in realizing one’s own limitations. Like all outsider music, HAUST celebrates those who walk their own paths; who run away from Sunday School to go berserk in the woods. NO was mastered by Dave Eck at Lucky Lacquers and features artwork by Esben Titland.


NO will see release via local mongers of such bestial belligerence via Fysisk Format on June 7th.

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