Goths. Shock Rockers. Lost Boy wanna be Marilyn Manson copies. Michael (Orlando) Vampire has heard them all. And he could care less. He keeps moving on with his vision regardless of what the negative minded masses might have to say. Founded in 2009 Vampires Everywhere have grown and morphed into something quite different from where they started out. Don’t expect that growth and change to remain stagnant. Michael and his creative writing partner DJ Blackard (guitar) seem to be the types who are never truly satisfied in a good way; like many creative types who strive to always squeeze more and do more with their talents. They get the comparisons and they also get those who don’t get it. Watch an interview that truly reveals how much these guys have going on for themselves, the experience of the sophomore release and change in musical direction, what the future holds, their feelings on the Supreme Court hearings on gay marriage, and much more…
All photos property of AWeldingphoto and Pittsburgh Music Magazine ©2013
Video: Jesus Sadida