Dark, brooding, and relentlessly chomping along, WESTERN MEDICINE have come to musically kick you in the shins. Hailing from Nashville, TN, these post-punk rockers mean business. As front man Justin Landis puts it, Western Medication is “the remedy against the epidemic of uninspired rock that has been pumped out for years.” While staying true to a punching punk rock aesthetic (driving power chords, a thundering rhythm section, and yes, even a song that clocks in at less than one minute) there is also experimentation into some wider sonic spaces on the new EP Painted World, due out on January 29th. One part Dead Kennedys, one part Joy Division, with just a dark splash of Bahaus, these southern rockers have mixed up a tasty concoction of the greatest tastes of post-punk. And with enough pure punk fury, fuzzy distortion, and reverb to shake the flask out of a squatter’s hand, tracks like “Big City” and “Problems in DC” give reason to believe that Western Medicine are here to stay.