A Night of Hardcore and Metalcore Intensity with Mugshot, Dying Wish, Currents, and The Amity Affliction

By Jeff Poole

Edited by Morgan Kohler

Friday Night at The Roxian Theatre was the epicenter of raw energy and emotion as Mugshot, Dying Wish, Currents and The Amity Affliction delivered a night of hardcore and metalcore brilliance. From the opening act to the headliners, each band brought their own unique intensity, making for an unforgettable concert experience.

The evening kicked off with Mugshot, a band that wasted no time in setting the stage ablaze with their ferocious, hard-core sound. With powerful riffs and relentless drumming, Mugshot had the audience engaged from the first note. Their performance of tracks like “Death Has A Shadow” and “Violent Ends” was a high-octane affair, with fans moshing and shouting along to every word. Mugshot’s raw energy and stage presence set the perfect tone for the night ahead.

Following Mugshot, Dying Wish took the stage with their blend of hard-core and metalcore, delivering a set that was both brutal and emotionally charged. Frontwoman Emma Boster’s commanding vocals and the band’s tight instrumentation created an intense atmosphere that resonated deeply with the audience. Songs like “Enemies in Red” and “Torn From Your Silhouette” showcased Dying Wish’s ability to combine aggressive sounds with poignant lyrics, creating a powerful and moving performance.

As the night progressed, Currents brought their dynamic and melodic metalcore to the forefront. Known for their intricate guitar work and emotive lyrics, Currents did not disappoint. Tracks like “Monsters” and “Guide Us Home” had the crowd singing along and moving to the music, as the band delivered a performance that was both technically impressive and emotionally stirring. Currents’ ability to balance heavy breakdowns with melodic passages made their set a standout moment of the night.

Headlining the evening was The Amity Affliction, whose blend of post-hard-core and metalcore anthems brought the crowd to a fever pitch. With their signature mix of clean and unclean vocals, The Amity Affliction delivered a set filled with fan favorites like “Pittsburgh” and “Don’t Lean on Me.” The band’s heartfelt lyrics and powerful stage presence created an atmosphere of unity and catharsis, as fans sang along passionately and connected deeply with the music. The Amity Affliction’s performance was a fitting climax to a night filled with high emotions and intense energy.

Last night’s concert at The Roxian Theatre was a testament to the power and passion of hard-core and metalcore music. Mugshot, Dying Wish, Currents and The Amity Affliction each brought their own unique energy and sound to the stage, creating an unforgettable night of music that left the audience exhilarated and inspired. It was a night that showcased the best of what these genres have to offer, proving once again the enduring appeal and emotional impact of hard-core and metalcore music.