Dethklok Bring the Mutilation to a Beautiful Spring Night in Columbus, Ohio

By: Tiffany Detzel

Edited by: Morgan Kohler

Spring in Ohio is in full effect; the birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming and mutilation is just around the corner. That’s right, the Mutilation on a Spring Night tour, featuring Dethklok, Dragonforce and Nekrogoblikon, came to town and it is easily one of the top five funnest shows I’ve attended.

First up was Nekrogoblikon, a band that flawlessly combines energetic heavy metal, comedy, dancing and gore into their fun-filled performance. Although most in the crowd were already excited to see these guys, they wasted no time interacting with them and getting them to chant along with some lyrics. Everyone on stage was nonstop dancing, smiling and just overall having the best time. No words I write or pictures I took could do this band (or any band on this bill) justice in terms of entertainment, so be sure to check these ghouls out anytime they come to a town near you. 

Next up were Dragonforce, a band that should create all video game soundtracks from here forward. As the stage was being prepped for DF, the crowd chanted “Dragons, Dragons” and wouldn’t you know it, two giant inflatable dragons appeared right next to two huge, old-school arcade machines. Once the band graced the stage, the venue roared with excitement. Like Nekrogoblikon before them, the band wasted no time interacting with the crowd while dancing nonstop on stage with smiles never leaving their faces. We were also treated to the best cover of “My Heart Will Go On,” and everyone could be heard singing along. Between the fast-paced guitar and the powerful high-pitched screaming, a stuffed chicken was brought out. Three things were asked of the crowd regarding the toy; that it go around the entire venue, that it get back to the stage by the end of the song and that it stays in one piece. Well, two out of three isn’t bad, as it didn’t make it back in one piece. No matter, the show must go on. I can’t recommend seeing this band live enough, so be sure to check them out on this tour (hopefully future chickens fare better). 

Rounding out the fun was everyone’s favorite metal band based on a cartoon, Dethklok. At this point, the crowd’s adrenaline couldn’t get any higher. As soon as the band came out playing the theme song from the show Metalocalypse, accompanied by various scenes on the big screen behind them, the fans lost their collective minds. Though the band can only be seen as shadows on stage, their powerful presence is made known as they perform the dark and heavy music everyone was eager to hear. Lots of moshing and head banging could be seen in the crowd throughout the performance. These guys put on a heck of a show and were the perfect way to end such a fun-filled night. 

Be sure to catch one of the remaining dates of this tour to experience the fun for yourself!