John 5 brought the heat to a freezing Pennsylvania evening at Jergel’s Rhythm Grille in Warrendale, PA. The night was filled with blazing guitar solos, mind-bending chicken picking, out-of-this-world smooth jazz improvisation, and all kinds of fun and antics. I hate saying, “You had to be there,” but you really had to be there to understand what I’m talking about. John 5 spent the evening showing Jergel’s exactly why he is one of the greatest guitar players of our time, and he did that by playing more than just his famous signature telecaster. 

Opening the evening was Sticks n’ Stones from Ontario, Canada. This band reminded me of Alter Bridge with a little more 80’s metal flare. They definitely won the crowd over with their catchy choruses and riffs, and throwing in a few covers didn’t hurt. Sticks n’ Stones is a young band, and I think we’ll be seeing more of these guys in the future. 

Despite the freezing temperatures outside, the crowd hadn’t cooled off from Sticks n’ Stones’ set as John 5 took the stage. John 5 opened up the set with “Season of the Witch” and weaved his way through some of his most popular songs, like “Que Pasa” and “I Am John 5.” Another John 5 joined John 5 on stage during “I Am John 5.” Which John 5 was the real John 5? Your guess is as good as mine. 

Throughout the evening, John 5 played many different stringed instruments and even played bass with a toy ray gun. Got strings? John 5 can play it and play it better than most. My personal favorite was his signature Fender Telecaster in white and red, but who doesn’t love these tiny Fender guitars?

After playing through a set of originals, John 5 was joined by his guitar tech on bass. 

“It’s been awhile since I’ve been here. You may have heard that I joined a band,” said John 5 as they geared up to play some quick songs by said band.

They played through a mini set of popular Motley Crüe songs and let the crowd handle the singing. Jergel’s went wild at every riff change. All they needed was the first note to know exactly what was coming. 

“This is where we normally end the show, but it’s too cold to go outside,” said John 5. He then turned the mic back on the crowd and started taking requests. 

“See if you can stump me.” 

I lost track of all the riffs he played, but some of the songs that stuck out were Marylin Manson’s version of “Sweet Dreams” and “Imagine” by John Lennon. 

John 5 continues his solo tour through the beginning of March and then finds himself back with Motley Crüe in May. John 5’s solo tour is a must-see no matter the genre of music you find yourself enjoying. There’s something for everyone, and the level of playing John 5 brings to the guitar is unmatched. Pair this with the on-stage antics and visuals and you have yourself one hell of a show!

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