Artist: Ross Rocco   
Single: Speak Easy (featuring Jon Ramero and Gabe Reasoner)     
Release Date: 3/16/22
Genre: Hip-Hop/ Lofi / Pop     
Suggested For Fans Of: Lil Dicky

California singer, songwriter and producer Ross Rocco has just dropped his latest single “Speak Easy”. The song features writing and production from Jon Romero and vocals from Gabe Reasoner. While Rocco typically creates in the darker side of the pop genre, this release shows his musical flexibility and his ability to bend without drifting too far from his natural sound.

I actually didn’t mean to write a rap song,” explains Rocco. “My friend Jon Romero hit me up on something jazzy he wrote, which is the intro and outro of the song, and I asked him if I could make that into a beat. After making the song, I heard Gabe Reasoner rap on TikTok and asked him to rap over it.” The resulting sound was an unexpected success. “It totally blew me away. Neither of us three actually work or write in this niche of music, but it shows that a few people with talent passion, and ambition can create something super unique on its own.

The single is currently playing across all major streaming platforms. Hear the song on SPOTIFY now or listen to it on YouTube below:

Connect With Ross Rocco:

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