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Austin, Texas heavy metal front man, Ven Scott’s (Runescarred) debut horror short, Date from Hell, is out now to watch on both Facebook and YouTube! With a 9/16 release date, the film garnered over 50,000 views in the first 24 hours!

Full FIlm Player

“It’s amazing to see something you intended to be fairly low-key make its way not only to big screens but huge audiences. We aren’t even finished with our festival run and I have been floored by the reaction of theatregoers and the online community alike. The positive reception has been overwhelming and I just want to share the film with more and more people!” – Ven Scott

Stream ‘Date From Hell’ Online:



Bobby and Susie find themselves on the worst date ever, pursued by a lone drifter with murder on his mind. The drifter is unrelenting, relishing the hunt and claiming his victims.

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Early Praise for “Date From Hell:

“This film was a really nice surprise and I don’t think the title does it justice – not that I can think of a better one – because for some reason I was not expecting to enjoy it as much as I did. What’s nice is that I really believe the main couple throughout every point of the film and, when we see the scene of them arguing in the bar, you think “oh man, here we go again”, because you probably know ‘that couple’ from your own local.” – HorrorNews.net

“utterly compelling and a great tribute to those 80’s movies us horror fans hold so dear and I would certainly pay good money to see more. What seems like a labour of love for Ven Scott, will hopefully help to propel him into the major leagues so that in the near future we can all enjoy Date From Hell on the big screen” – Chris Andrews – Mass Movement

“Date From Hell tosses in quite a bit of gore then a little more in just the right ways. If this debut short from Ven Scott is any indicator of the guy’s talent behind the camera, here’s hoping this isn’t the last we hear from him.” – Richard Propes – The Independent Critic

“For a first time short, this film was very well shot, excellent cinematography and attention to detail shots that perfectly give off that sweaty Texas metal vibe – from the cracking of beers to the lovely tattoos on the bartender, to the honky Toni accents of Bobbie and Susie.” – Robin Goodfellow – Drunk In A Graveyard

“If you see Date From Hell playing at a festival near you, make sure you get your arcane ass in a seat toot-fuckin’-sweet…a better short you’d be hard pressed to find in our beloved horror biz!” – Horror Fuel


Ava L’Amoreaux – Susie
Samuel Brett Howard – Bobby
Ven Scott – Writer/Director
Tracee Beebe – Co-Writer/Producer
Brandon Torres – Cinematographer/Producer


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