Austin, TX’s Destroyer Of Light are a group that ties the past to the present, merging the crushing instrumentals of modern day doom with the soaring vocals and guitar solos of classic metal acts like Dio. One look at the dramatic, mythologic artwork for the newly released Mors Aeterna (Argonauta Records), and it’s clear that the members of this band have a real soft spot for the 80’s.
Hell, the riff that kicks off album opener “Falling Star” is downright bluesy, like Stevie Ray Vaughn playing a flaming guitar at the gates of the underworld while the three-headed dog Cerberus prowls behind him. Frontman Steve Colca sounds like a slightly more intelligible Brent Hinds (of Mastodon fame), and, come to think of it, the sludgy, stoner metal vibe the group conjures on this song does kind of remind me of a less proggy take on that classic Atlanta band’s sound.
The artwork for Mors Aeterna also demonstrates the best thing about Destroyer of Light: they know how to have some fun. The scene looks like something from an especially crowded John Martin painting; a Zeus-looking dude paddles a boat across choppy waters, fending off the submerged Damned with an oar while Death himself stands at the prow; looming behind all of this is a massive, many-armed, scythe-baring aquatic she-monster. It’s so excessive that it’s actually kind of awesome. Similarly, Destroyer of Light’s anthemic vocals, massive riffs, and lyrics about “realms of spirits,” “the face of death,” etc. are so dramatic that they transcend pure gloom n’ doom, making for a good time. Great song and band.
Check out more Destroyer of Light: https://destroyeroflight.bandcamp.com/
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