Los Angeles based, Electronic/Rock musician, visual artist, and multi-instrumentalist WVM has followed up his stunning, dark electronic rock single, “After the Fall,” with the even heavier “Duel.”

“The story of “Duel” is, it started from my anger at being racially profiled, but when I write I like writing on a micro and macro level so the micro level was the harassment from racial profiling but then the rest of it morphed into the bigger picture; frustrations in general with all the injustices in world, not just about race but about how messed up the world can be. The story goes: 2 cops stopped me as I was walking down the street for no reason other than the color of my skin. They flashed a light in my face and went through the whole process only to let me go since I have no record. But that’s where the lyric ‘take away that spotlight from my eyes, nothing can shield you from your lies’ comes from. The shield part is the typical police badge etc. So they let me go and I continued walking only to come across the same police officers again 5 minutes later as I was crossing the street. The cop car actually accelerated as if to run me down, the cop driving stuck his head out of the window and laughed and then drove off. I went home after that and started writing ‘Duel;’ I took my anger in that situation and started getting really angry at the injustices of this world.”

“Most of the album is more electronics based and like “After the Fall” this song really defies genres and generic song structures. This is my song structure, don’t get me wrong, I write songs that are verse chorus verse chorus, but I really enjoy writing songs like this, where there are no 2 sections alike. It’s sort of like walking in a house and visiting each room only once even though you may like it. The only way to visit that room again is to walk back in the front door and do it over, with this song, if you like a section, the only way to revisit is to hear the entire song again. This kind of song structure is unique to me, it’s my signature.” – WVM

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