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About the Song:

The multi-talented Stereo Crew serves you another freebie in promotion of their upcoming, August 13th album release “Carz, Clubz & Theaterz”. Every thursday until the release, the Crew drops a newly recorded, free song on their Bandcamp page

The third song “Bruce Wayne’s Heart Theme” was produced by Stereo Boyz’ member Mixo aka Applauze Beetz. Contrary to the last drop “Big Dreams” this song has a darker feel, with a futuristic sounding beat, reminiscent of video game soundtracks.

Stereo Crew members Mic Audio, Mixo, Vinnie Bazz, Brand New and Kid Boombox lend thoughtful lyrics, sometimes melancholic, but also optimistic.

Mixo says: “Our upbringing & the trials of where we are from (Detroit/Chicago) have made us heroes in a sense. Like Bruce Wayne, we go from from living with the people to also living for the people & with great power comes responsibility that most people refuse to accept or really stand up for what they believe in. We are trying to inspire who we can & serve Poetic Justice.”

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