GRUMPY OLD PUNKS, who bring humorous voice to the daily frustrations faced by the now middle aged first generation of punk rock fans around the globe, will make their U.S. concert debut at The Brighton Bar in Long Branch, NJ on Saturday August 10th 2013.

“I just hope I’m not dead of heart disease before we do this gig,” says lead singer/lyricist LouB. “And I don’t wanna go on too late cause I’ll get tired and my feet will hurt.”

GRUMPY OLD PUNKS turn everyday, humdrum, grown-up, adult life into short, funny, punk rock nuggets. “Our songs are like our shows,” snaps guitarist KRoy, “Very brief. We’re old and closer to death. We don’t have a lot of time. We’ve gotta do this fast.”

The members trace their friendship back to childhood when they grew up together in Englishtown, NJ. They formed bands in school before going off in different directions, only to join up again nearly 40 years later as GRUMPY OLD PUNKS. They’ve released their self-titled debut album as well as the follow up Anarchy in the Prostate which features the housing crisis inspired “My Adjustable Rate Mortgage Really Sucks,” the nostril-follicle-fueled-fury on “Gotta Get A Nose Hair Trimmer,” the can’t-get-it-up get-up-and-go of “Why Do I Take This Little Blue Pill?” and a title track written while a doctor had his finger up the nether regions of LouB during a medical exam. You can hear music at

Produced by the band, both albums were mixed by Mike Landolt (Maroon 5, O.A.R., Watershed, Dead Schembechlers, Mushroomhead, Train) at Mike’s Curry House Studio Columbus, Ohio. Lyrics are by LouB. Music is by KRoy with LouB. Cover art by renowned underground cartoonist Derf (My Friend Dahmer, The City).

GRUMPY OLD PUNKS will make their U.S. concert debut on Saturday August 10th, 2013 at The Brighton Bar in Long Branch, NJ. The band will debut songs from their forthcoming new album entitled Driving Around with the Blinker On. The bill will also feature TV Tramps, Cliff & Ivy, Devilhaus and Damn Kids.

Footage from the performance will be used this fall in an upcoming documentary film on the band being directed by Rick Hamilton of TCB Creative. Possible titles include A Hard Day’s Grump, Grumprophenia, and Truss Never Sleeps.

LouB sums up the group by saying, “As long as you’ve got life left in you and something to rail against then you can still make punk rock, no matter how old you are.”

Punk’s past is now its future, moving from a future-based past of punk into a past-based punk future. And it’s pissed off. It is the GRUMPY OLD PUNKS.

LouB – lead vocals
KRoy – guitar and backing vocals
Brian – bass guitar and backing vocals
Guzda – drums and backing vocals

For more information on GRUMPY OLD PUNKS, please visit these sites:

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