FRIGHTWIG… They Matter More Than Ever, So Wake Up!
No one gave a shit about her, passed out drunken in your hall
Pissed because she broke your mirror, spilled your Mannitol
You’ll never get your ten bucks now, so really, she’s ahead
If you had her class, you’d be with her real punks are dead.
“Crawford” – FRIGHTWIG
THE WORLD we live in is getting crazier, as conservative America continues to pretend women don’t have rights over their bodies, and brute prejudices continue to try and trample over all the good people.
FRIGHTWIG loves to rock, FRIGHTWIG loves to party, but FRIGHTWIG is also angry. And when FRIGHTWIG gets angry, they speak their mind. And when FRIGHTWIG speaks, people step on board for the un-holiest, yet most righteous, of proper punk rock revivals.
They’ve been busy spreading their live message this year. In San Francisco standing up for Pussy Riot at a City Lights benefit last January! Playing benefits for San Francisco musicians in need. A triumphant Coming Out Of Hibernation hometown headliner at Cafe Du Nord! They are back from two barnstormers in LA with Imperial Teen at the Satellite and the Off Sunset Festival, showing FRIGHTWIG is deliciously prepared for live action.
This year, they’ve also been busy in the studio, recording the EP, HIT RETURN. It’s now mastered and the artwork is in the final stages.
To give a taste of what’s coming, go and soak up their new video of this same song, ‘Crawford’, which deals with the sadder side of their punk rock brethren’s mortality. Catchy, heavy, fuzzy, and underscored by Eric Drew Feldman’s psychedelic keyboard textures; ‘Crawford’ is a superb celebration of fallen loved ones. The video was filmed by Pow Zine (aka Dennis Gonzales) for POW! Productions. Shot with one camera and one iPad during a rehearsal last April 2013 in San Francisco! Shot in about 40 minutes - yes it’s gritty, but so is FRIGHTWIG! Here is the link for the ‘Crawford’ video:
To keep up with FRIGHTWIG and their activities, go to the FRIGHTWIG website:
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FRIGHTWIG Facebook Fan Page:
Follow FRIGHTWIG on Twitter: @FrightwigDeanna, @cfrightwig,
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