R.A.R.E. Nation’s newest artist, AF Rome, recruits label-mate Palermo Stone and The Come Up’s Franchise for visuals to their song, “Royalty,” a highlight from DJ Clockwork and TreeJay of Most Dope’s annual mixtape, S.H.O.W. Time.   AF Rome’s style shines through as he holds his own with the two experienced emcees.  As Palermo Stone and The Come Up prepare for their upcoming releases, AF Rome is working on his debut R.A.R.E. Nation release. S.H.O.W. Time can be downloaded for free here:



Artist: AF Rome
Song: “Royalty (feat Franchise, Palermo Stone)”
Album: S.H.O.W. Time (Hosted by TreeJay & DJ Clockwork)
Producer: 93P of Drumgang
Directed by: Edge Media

Datpiff: http://www.datpiff.com/Treejay-DJ-Clockwork-SHOWTIME-mixtape.480010.html

Twitter: @AF_Rome @Franchise15104 @PalermoStone @edge_media_ @RARENation

Short Bio (AF Rome):  Pittsburgh’s AF Rome represents music in its purest form. A successful corporate job holder, Romero boasts a college degree as well as the discipline and work ethic necessary to flourish in any environment.  After providing a platform for his family, Romero turned his attention away from climbing the corporate ladder and focused his efforts on his true passion: hip hop.  His message emphasizes a life of luxury and fashion, but not in the disillusioned sense most artists fall for.  Using rhymes centered on feel-good vibes, his strength comes from providing substance bar for bar while maintaining an easy listening experience.  AF Rome is currently preparing his debut project from R.A.R.E. Nation, set to release in 2014.

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