Not that long ago, Eye Ra Haze released their new EP titled Eye of the Storm. This five piece progressive alternative metal band defiantly grabs your attention with the slower clean vocals of the lead singer Natasha Nicholson followed by the heavy seven stringed guitar from Nicole Papastavrou. The buildup in their songs always has a nice turnout, whether it be from the nice vocal harmonics or the deep bass from the bass player Enrique Mancia. Add in the laid back groove and beats from their drummer Kevin Corcoran, who gives you that nice little jazz feel fused with the more modern day metal fills, and this EP even has a bit of a head banging in some spots. I can’t forget to mention Karine Catenacci, who adds in the backing vocals and the piano which really gives the EP a nice melody on top of the heavy riffs and fills from everyone else. Eye of the Storm EP is something worth checking out; and if you enjoyed it, starting in July they are heading to the studio to start recording a full length album.
Eye Ra Haze reminds me a bit of the old Evanescence days when they first came out. It’s not every day that you find a band (let a alone a metal band) that has not one, not two, but three female members! Eye Ra Haze is trying to change the metal scene by giving themselves a name. With this EP, followed by recording a new album starting in July with none other then hit songwriters Bob Marlette (Saliva/Shinedown) and Jason Rauch (Korn/Breaking Benjamin)… this could be a start of something big and new in the music industry.