Photos and Review by Jason Hann

All photos ©2013 JHannphoto and Pittsburgh Music Magazine

Tuesday night 6/11/13 Drowning Pool rolled in to Pittsburgh and absolutely crushed The Altar Bar with an energy packed, face melting set. They brought with them fellow Texans “Even The Dead Love A Parade”, Italy based “Exalia”, and “Eye Empire”. This is the first performance I’ve seen from Drowning Pool with front man Jasen Moreno and they delivered an amazing set. Jasen Moreno is the perfect front man for this band. He’s adapted all the styles of the previous singers, added his own style with it, and just creates a presence on stage that you really have to see to believe. Add his vocals with CJ Pierce’s punishing guitar riffs, Mike Luce’s powerful drumming style, and Stevie Benton’s bass lines and it makes for an amazing performance. Drowning Pool is best known for their 2001 single BODIES, and their other chart hit FEEL LIKE I DO. Last nights set was opened by the song SINNER, and STEP UP.  As I made my way to the back of the room to watch the rest of the set you could actually feel the energy building in the room anticipating the song BODIES.  When they finally hit it there was not a person in the room that wasn’t moving.  Even today this song still has such power and energy, it just makes people want to move. Every band always wants that 1 hit song that will go on forever and this one is it for Drowning Pool.  If they ever come back to Pittsburgh I know I will be there and suggest you are too!!


Stand out songs of the night

One finger and a fist



Step up


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