

 “In My Mouth”
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“With a spring-coiled beat, cold synth stabs, and bells that could ring in doomsday, you’re definitely poised above an abyss, sexual or otherwise.” – BlackBook 
TODAY Azar Swan release the “In My Mouth” digital 7″ with Pendu Sound, the fiery a-side streaming with BlackBook Magazine (link) and available to purchase on iTunes along with moodier b-side“Over” (available only on iTunes) with above eerie album art was created by friend and musicianShaun Durkan (Weekend).  The release is part of Pendu Single Series, which includes releases this year from Tempers and VON HAZE.

Formerly the core members of  Religious To DamnZohra Atash and Joshua Strawn (Vaura, Blacklist) changed gears early this year, turning their multi-member, organic chamber ensemble into a drum machine minded, electro-centric duo. The shift was sparked by a two-fold realization from Atash and Strawn who were looking to consolidate the project, with coordinating multiple musicians often slowing the writing and performing process, combined with a mutual revived interest in electronic music and hip-hop beats pulling influences from acts like The-Dream and These New Puritans.

For those in the New York area, Azar Swan is playing Glasslands on Monday, July 15thwith Bestial Mouths and Chtulu Fantasy (Tickets).

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“Founding members Zohra Atash and Joshua Strawn have stepped out of the shadows once more with ‘Lusty’, a pulsating three minute slog through swells of frighteningly resonant percussion and ominous bass rumbles.” – The Line of Best Fit

“The dark, Kate-Bush-meets-Fever-Ray track “Lusty” is an exploration of the darkness that came with their previous band’s breakup, mixed with underdog-style optimism.” – Under The Radar

“…embracing sounds from any number of sources and combining them into thoroughly idiosyncratic pop songs that are both fascinating and hellaciously catchy.” – Flavorwire

“After re-envisioning the project and changing their name, the duo have shed their more rock oriented roots for an equally dark, jungle-oriented music sound. The vocals from Atash are every bit as wonderful as they were before… Zohra sings with a sense of bewilderment mixed with excitement of her experience as an immigrant in America” – Decoder Mag

“Brooklyn duo Azar Swan have emerged onto the blogosphere with their unique brand of dark, industrial pop music. Reminiscent of the dark pop sentiment of Bat for Lashes and the skewed electronica of The Knife” – The 405

“It’s a totally heady and brilliantly catchy Gothic world music tune about singer Zohra Atash’s immigrant experience in America, sung with almost childlike wonder.” – USA Today

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