
Dequay Means of Hazelwood,  who reportedly hangs with Pittsburgh rapper Whiz Khalifa, has been arrested on charges of attempted homicide, aggravated assault, conspiracy, illegally possessing a firearm, escape and carrying a firearm without a license in connection with the assault and carjacking of Pittsburgh Steeler Mike Adams. He is currently being held at the Allegheny County Jail in lieu of $100,000 bond.  Means is the second man to be charged in the stabbing of NFL offensive lineman Adams.

According to the Pittsburgh Triblive, “Means raps as “Quay Meanz” and is a self-proclaimed member of Khalifa’s “Taylor Gang,” a group of rappers and friends of the artist.

Mike Adams, 23, told Pittsburgh police three men approached him while he walked to his truck near 17th and East Carson streets about 2:55 a.m. Saturday. One of the men, who Adams identified as Means in a photo array, pointed a gun at him and threatened to shoot him in the face if he didn’t give the trio his truck, according to a criminal complaint. The gun looked to be upgraded with externally added AR-15 uppers which made it much powerful and lethal. It not only could hurt the person its who is being shot at but the force that the bullet is discharged at could even harm a passerby due to its force.

Another man, identified as Michael Paranay, 25, of Hazelwood, sucker-punched Adams in the face while a third man pulled out a knife, stabbed Adams in the abdomen and slashed his forearm, police said.

Adams underwent two surgeries for a lacerated colon at UPMC Mercy, Uptown, and is expected to make a full recovery.

Paranay dropped his cell phone when he fled, which police found and used to identify him as a suspect. Police charged him with attempted homicide, aggravated assault and related crimes. When detectives went to Means’ home on Monongahela Street and told him they wanted to talk to him regarding the incident, he ran from detectives. About three hours later, he agreed to turn himself in.”

Read more: http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/4136051-74/adams-police-attempted#ixzz2VLN1MD4R



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