Stars In Stereo, are a red-hot rock band from LA fronted by the magnificent siren Bec Hollcraft.  The band has a massive sound that was practically made for rock radio airwaves, with the potential to become the female fronted answer to 30 Seconds to Mars.  Formed in 2011, Stars In Stereo have exploded on to the rock scene in only a few short years.  The band just wrapped a tour with Flyleaf and Drowning Pool and are touring with Bullet For My Valentine, Young Guns and Halestorm in April/May.  Pittsburgh Music Magazine caught up with them while they were on the road, just before they were due to hit Pittsburgh…

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We’ve heard you say in previous interview that you want to be road rats.  Does that sentiment remain true today?
Absolutely. We love being on the road and we know that’s where we are going to gain lifelong fans. We’ve seen significant growth and it’s very exciting.
What drew the band to cover “Closer” from Nine Inch Nails over other options?
We are all fans of the song, especially Bec. We all agreed that it would be really awesome to see a girl singing that song, so we sat down and made it our own.
As a DIY band, what is the most difficult aspect of maintaining that as you gain more attention?
I wouldn’t say we’ve seen too many difficulties yet. We are in full control of what we do, and there’s nothing anyone can offer us at this point that’s worth handing over any of that control.
Now that the LP is out and you are getting some prime spots on amazing tours, like Bullet For My Valentine and Halestorm, what are some of the short term and long term goals for the band?
Tour, tour, tour! We want to spend as much of this year on the road as possible. A short term goal would be to headline a small club tour as soon as possible. As for the long term, we just want to continually grow and progress as a band. We want the crowds to get bigger and bigger and we want to have a very long career.
If you could collaborate with any musicians in the business today who would they be and why?
That’s a tough one! We all have such different tastes, so I’m sure you would get a different answer out of each of us. Some of the bands we collectively look up to are 30 Seconds to Mars and the Foo Fighters. I’m sure collaborating with either of those bands would be amazing. Sitting down with Daft Punk would be incredible too. We have a bit of an electronic side that would need satisfying.
Can you relate to our readers any stories about some great fan interactions that you have had?
There are so many. Any time we see people in the crowd who know all the words and are singing their hearts out, it’s an incredible feeling.  Seeing the overall transformation of the crowd every night is awesome too. Many of them have never heard of us, but you can almost see the wheels turning throughout the set, and by the end it’s just one big rowdy, sweaty, mess of new SinS fans.
Who are some the most influential people in your lives… musicians, non-musicans, family, etc.?
We are all very close with our families and I’m sure we would all cite our parents as our first major supporters in each of our lives. After that, you have the musicians that inspired us and guided us, which is different for everyone.
Where are some of the favorite spots you have been able to experience on tour?
We like a lot of different places for a lot of different things. Some of our favorite venues are House of Blues Boston, The Marquee in Tempe, and The Paramount in Long Island. Aside from that, we have been fortunate to see a lot of this country and experience places we otherwise wouldn’t have visited.  We had a day off in Missoula Montana once that turned out to be really awesome.
stars in stereo

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