For fans who enjoy Pantera, Metallica, and old school thrash metal in general; the Swedish metal band Deception is someone to give a listen to. They have just released their first EP and they did not hold back on any of their four songs. From start to finish this EP was pretty solid. It definitely caught my attention as soon as I played the first song “Break the Silence” to the last song “Make a Deal with the Reaper”. It’s a real nice adrenaline pumping jam, especially if you are doing something physical oriented. No intro to this EP, just straight to the good stuff. Since the hardcore and metalcore scene has been taking over the metal scene lately, I am glad to say that Deception never once thought about it on this EP. A rare find nowadays to find someone who still plays thrash metal. Luckily, Deception has signed with Big Balls Production and hopefully this will be an awesome start for their career. Go check-out their first EP and keep a look out for Deception.