New York-based electronic musician Com Truise has made a playful romp of synth beats from out of this galaxy on his remix of the new Stars track “Hold On When You Get Love and Let Go When You Give It”, which you can hear courtesy of the AV Club NOW.
And for all of those at Coachella today, head to the Main stage to check out Stars on this afternoon at 3:30 pm!
A Canadian indie pop establishment, Stars have worked together for over a decade carefully crafting music that intertwines layers containing delicate pop melodies and electronic effervescence not unlike fellow Canadians Metric and Broken Social Scene.
On their most recent album The North, all of the twelve original tracks featured significant input from all of the band members. “This is the five of us attacking each song and turning it into something that is all of ours,” says Amy Millan, who shares lead vocals with bandleader Torquil Campbell.
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